Syntific Publisher is organized below YAYASAN SYNTO SCIENTIST CENTER based on Decree the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number AHU-0019578.AH.01.04 the year 2022.
All published articles will be assigned with DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) with managed DOIs from CrossRef. International journal articles indexed with DOAJ, ICI, WOS, GS, and SCOPUS.
Our Vision
Worldwide Original, Innovative Academic and Professional Articles for Accelerate Better World
Open Access Policy and Ethics
Open access (also known as open-access publishing and free online scholarship) is an ongoing publication practice that differs in the way traditional methods of publishing papers to the public get submitted, reviewed, authenticated, and finally published. It proposes a new business model for academic publishing that enables immediate, worldwide, barrier-free, open access to the full text of research articles for the best interests of the scientific community.
Address :
Basuki Rahmad Road Number 31, Lamongan, East Java
DIVERSITY Logic Journal Multidisciplinary
DIVERSITY Logic Journal Multidisciplinary is an international journal with double-blind peer-review, we only publish articles that have never been published in the previous journal or articles that submit and considered by other journal.
EQUALEGUM International Law Journal
Publication Process
- Each manuscript submission will be checked by the editorial team based on plagiarism and similarity index. Please be advised that all manuscripts submitted to the EQUALEGUM will be screened for plagiarism/duplication. Authors are required to paraphrase all references and citations in their own words. This is to prevent any misunderstandings regarding plagiarism.
SYNTHESIS Global Health Journal
SYNTHESIS is an international journal and double-blind peer-reviewed biannually journal published by SYNTIFIC Publisher cooperated with ICMJE. SYNTHESIS is open access journal to communicate high-quality research articles, systematic review, literature review, case studies, case series, case reports, and articles of community services. SYNTHESIS only receive original paper and has never been published in a previous journal or considered to be published in another journal (proven by: 1) Ethic of publication with ICMJE form for disclosure of potential conflicts of interest, 2) Tolerance of plagiarism less than 20%).