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Background. Inappropriate actions when prehospital care for traffic accidents often lead to new injuries or death. The public needs to be trained in traffic accident first aid. To increase the self-efficacy and skills of the community to provide help appropriately, quickly, and accurately. This study aim was to determine the effect of prehospital care simulation on people's self-efficacy and skills in first aid for traffic accidents
Research Method. This research was quantitative, Quasy experiment with pre and post-tests without a control group. The population was all adolescents of Waru Village, Karanganyar Regency, Indonesia, consisting of 78 people, with total sampling. The instruments used a self-efficacy questionnaire and checklist instructions for first aid skills in traffic accidents. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon test.
Findings. The results showed that pre-hospital simulation of traffic accidents has an influence on adolescent self-efficacy in providing first aid for traffic accidents with a p-value was 0.000. The results showed that pre-hospital simulation of traffic accidents has an influence on adolescent skills in providing first aid for traffic accidents with a p-value of Skills 0.000.
Conclusion. There is a difference between before and after prehospital care simulation on adolescents' self-efficacy and skills in first aid for traffic accidents. They try actively and get feedback from the actions taken, thus creating new experiences that affect their self-efficacy.
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